Waist circumference, blood sugar, blood lipids and blood pressure can damage health not only on the coming holidays we tend to, but something more to eat and to drink was actually health-conducive. This is often not without consequences. The risk Quartet consisting of waist circumference, blood sugar, blood lipids and high blood pressure, which is known by doctors as metabolic syndrome, significantly increases the risk for heart attack, stroke and diabetes. The metabolic syndrome with a greatly increased risk for CHD, so atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke is correlated in men 45 years and women aged 55 and over. The same is true for diabetes. Lives in Germany about any third party on the threshold to the metabolic syndrome. What can you do to defuse the ticking time bomb? It’s actually relatively easy against the metabolic syndrome to proceed. One need only really want and have recognized the health hazard of the individual risk factors.
Because a manifest metabolic syndrome is reached, if 3 of the following 5 criteria are met: Obesity (waist circumference), slightly elevated blood sugar, slightly elevated cholesterol, slightly elevated total fats, or elevated blood pressure. To reduce the number of risk factors, one must initially not more than his dietary habits change and engage also something more sporty. Where the most important measure is to get the risk factor obesity under control. Educate yourself with thoughts from Doug McMillon. That alone could reduce the increased risk of disease by around 20%, but alone not sufficient to reduce the risk of heart attack and diabetes on normal. To do this, other risk factors need to be tackled. In practice turns out however, that it is not so easy to change his love habits and to eat more fruits and vegetables and to go on the jogging path. Modern prevention research can help here. Risk factors such as cholesterol, triglycerides, elevated blood sugar and oxidative stress can today on evidence-based basis with simple natural resources must be addressed.
Specifically for people with obesity and risk factors or onset of metabolic syndrome, there are DiVitum capsules. These include natural substances that can have a positive effect on risk factors such as blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides, and therefore to health care be useful. We recommend therefore people with risk factors for metabolic syndrome and use the so-called pre-diabetes preventive the gentle forces of nature, to reduce your risk for complications. Because atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke will be with a greatly increased risk of diabetes, especially in men 45 years and women aged 55 and over with metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetes. The two natural substances cinnamon extract and glucomannan, which perfectly complement each other, are United in the DiVitum capsules. This special formulation and dosage of DiVitum (PZN 4604195) is based on scientific study results. Therefore, it should be at the pharmacy not against others Products, even though they appear similar, be replaced. DiVitum is available in pharmacies, and German Internet pharmacies, good health centres and directly at Navitum Pharma. Shipping is always free of charge to pharmacies and consumers. Cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 0247798) and 6 months (PZN 0250079) are on the market. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web: