Aesthetic body and ' ' in revista' ': the culture of the Good Form Summary This article approaches the body human as incisive instrument of communication in the sociocultural context and the importance that is attributed to it by feminine publications, specifically the GOOD magazine FORM. In this direction, it presents historical aspects on the relation body and society, argues the corporeidade concept while aesthetic element and analyzes a news article to exemplificar such aspects. It adopts the method of the Analysis of content, searching to understand the meaning literal ally to the image and uses as referencial theoretician the thoughts of Crespo (1990) and Santaella (2003). From the perceived literal evidences, it concludes that the body, in the society contemporary, is impelled by the media in the search of the perfection, reflecting a narcisista concern, factors that place in secondary plan the health of the people. Word-key: Body? Communication? Culture? Magazine GOOD FORM Introduction For thinking about the history of the body it is to involve in the crisis of civilization and civilizations. For this, she is necessary to point out the men in the events of the current world to understand the generating moment of the called culture of the corporificao, marked for the extreme cult to the physical beauty.
The body, while symptom after-modern, is the product of a crossing of elements politicians, economic and cultural our history of life is registered in our body, from there because to study the subject it means to deal with the communication human being in its social complexity. But, after all what it is body? We can think about a general direction and will arrive at the conclusion: body is a biological territory and also symbolic, it is the material vector that defines what it is human being. As Merleau Ponty (1994) the body is our point of view on the world, as well as one of objects of this world.