There are certain differences when we talk about credits and loans. Many times we see that refers interchangeably to credit and lending but refer to different contracts. With respect to credit, the client can have the credit granted by the lender, slowly, or to the extent that needed the money. Always during the time limit agreed in the contract and in any quantity provided that it does not exceed the contracted limit. The customer has to return the money arranged along with commissions and interests on a regular basis. If so desired, as consumer and customer, the provisions with partial contributions can be returned or cancel all prior to the expiration thereof, and may return to dispose of that amount, if it is agreed in the credit agreement. To hire a credit is necessary to link it to a bank account will be scoring provision and reimbursement operations. A credit is more flexible than a loan, since the client/consumer has certain amount during a certain time.
Without However in a loan, the money is received only once, to the formalization of the contract. The money which gives us the Bank will have to return within the prescribed periodic depreciation. We have seen what is a credit and what is a loan, now see the essential differences between those terms and which can be summed up in repayment of the loan the Bank capitalEn or financial delivery all of the money to the formalization of the contract.In credit, as we have seen above, the customer can have certain partial quantities America agreed ceiling. InteresesEn loan in periodic installments but the totality of the capital interest is paid.In the credit will pay only interests by derogation granted total capital. If don’t have anything, interest is not paid since they are not generated. Deadlines for returning the loan or Creditoel loan you have to pay in the repayment period that has been agreed in the contract, otherwise, it would have to formalize a new loan agreement.A loan can be renewed once or several times immediately after the expiration of the same.MQP Masqueprestamos.