Hoosier Basketball at it's Finest

Indiana H.S. Hoops

March 15th, 2020 at 4:02 pm

Bodbybuilders And “Unhealthy Diets”

in: News

Junior athletic schools often turn to a special diet for bodybuilders, coupled with training to get a quick and noticeable results, and it is to lose weight and build muscle. This diet includes a complex carbohydrate (such as oatmeal) and lean proteins (chicken, tuna, egg whites, brown rice and bananas). Add to your understanding with Ed Bastian. This diet is necessarily accompanied by a weight lifting workouts and active, so it's called a diet for bodybuilders. Do not drive the extra weight with it is simply impossible. However, despite the fact that the athletes themselves are happy with the results, specialists, nutritionists say that a low carbohydrate diet may adversely impact on health. Cutting calorie foods and lack of vitamins in combination with a resistive load on the body in the long run, counterproductive consequences. Products that are part of the diet, not contain enough vitamin B12, C, as well as zinc, copper and magnesium. Receiving instead a lot of protein, fat, literally in front of "peel off" from the muscles, making them more prominent.

But at the same time there are problems with the liver, kidneys and heart, largely because they receive the minimum amount of calories for their work, or not at all dopoluchayut them, and the burden on them and "demands" to the body metabolism (due to large loads again) very high. Many coaches agree that bodybuilders just look very strong. And for an impressive appearance as the time and lie all these problems. In the end, with an immoderate pursuit of muscle mass work back mechanism. In case of lack of carbohydrate and fat exhaustion "stocks", the body begins to "burn" the muscles themselves. We have to admit that even in such an aggressive and demanding sport, like bodybuilding, moderation also important when it comes to maintaining health. Therefore, nutritionists recommend this diet to add more variety of food, which at the same time is "within" the basic requirements of diet – lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and just watch for the balance of vitamins.


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