It reminds us of ciensa. Com AR Chi Kung (Qi Gong) is a method of exercise of Chinese origin which relies on movements and/or static positions that are accompanied with breathing techniques while maintaining a deep state of meditation during the execution.It is part of the family of ancient ancient medicines, son of Chinese medicine, older brother of acupuncture, first cousin of Yoga, father of Tai Chi, Kung Fu and grandfather of the majority of martial arts. It is an art method technical discipline that studies the movement but not only physical, but also energetic and emotional, in order to maintain the harmony of the body and health, the causes imbalances of the disease and focus toward an inner growth, all this through movement, meditation and breathing.Chi (Qi) can be translated as energy or breath even though it has no a word that defines exactly, Kung (Gong) can be translated as work or training.Then Chi Kung can be interpreted as energy training, respiratory training, energy work or respiratory work; but for more attempts at interpretation we make will never find a translation for, to define it completely tells us, that the name Chi Kung (or Qi Gong as it is also known) comes from the Chi (Qi) term that is used to describe the breath, steam, air, energy and the Kung (Gong) word which means work or exercise. It is a therapeutic method that combines gentle body movements, mental concentration and breathing to stabilize and increase the energy of the person. It is called fountain of youth since these techniques are an inexhaustible spring of peace, health and vitality and a suitable method for staying in shape and protect yourself from daily stress.Chi (Qi) can be translated as energy or breath if either you don’t have a word that defines exactly, Kung (Gong) can be translated as work or training.Then Chi Kung can be interpreted as energy training, respiratory training, energy work or respiratory work; but for more attempts at interpretation we do we will never find a translation that completely defines.The purpose of Chi Kung is increase vital energy and be able to distribute it harmoniously throughout the body that is used both for health, in processes of treatment of different diseases or the prevention of appearance of them in training for fitness of athletes, martial artists, dancers and also in practices ranging from general well-being to the spiritual realization.