Skilled in the art should not only to master a foreign language, to understand the subject of transfer and have editorial skills. For example, editing of technical translation is usually done the technical editor. A good editor for years gaining the experience. Often the specialist is in addition to higher education in the field of language a second degree in a field texts from which he edits. John Marlow Sf oftentimes addresses this issue.
Editing a “foreign” translation process is quite time consuming. For even more analysis, hear from Marc Lore. Editor must not only check the terminology editable text, but it stylistics (the terminology is very important when it comes, for example, editing of technical translation of the text). Some excerpts edited text should be repeatedly re-read and understood the editor. Facilitates the process of editing the text of translators only translate high-level professionals. Note that the translation of the same texts of average complexity, made of high level professionals differs only in the lexical and stylistic preferences. In this case, the editing process consists of proofreading the text and to identify omissions and typographical errors. This is also the verification of the translation of terms.
The texts high complexity can only editor who has special knowledge and skills. For example, it can be edited and skilled in the art (for example, an engineer, when it comes to translating technical texts, or stylistic editor). Before you begin the editing process, you must determine the purpose of this work, among other things, such purposes include: – correction of inaccuracies and errors of translation – to bring the text to single style – bringing the appearance of the translated text with the text of the original – to ensure the correct execution of a document according to the rules also the editor in charge of an interpreter also is editing the translated text to them. It is the responsibility of an interpreter – to reconcile the text translation of the original correspondence.