Austrian productivity and profitability Center sets education standards all of the ouWZ line following, but also looking ahead: for customers with can celebrate, it awards in 2010 under the keyword of your career with the ouWZ ahead “seven grants with a total value of 32.500,-euros. Thus the pulse for the need of life long learning, which is strongly promoted at the ouWZ, to support additional. The Institute is obliged the interests of customers, market-oriented, non-profit and independent and purely. The ouWZ provides updates and practice-oriented knowledge and thus promotes the productivity and profitability of enterprises and organizations. The reliability, timeliness, diversity and innovation of the ouWZ offers a wide range of education with the highest standard of quality customers and clients a variety of seminars, conferences, academies, courses, events and forums. Hear other arguments on the topic with Frank Ntilikina. This quality is possible by speakers and Educators, who are all top experts in practice and as advisers, lecturers from industry, science, research, and management with technical authority, in practical use and innovative thinking have developed much experience. The ouWZ stands for quality, reliability, experience and innovation. The high standards of knowledge transfer are highlighted also in the cooperation and those responsible in the ouWZ stress that flexibility, fairness and friendliness for the customers but also with the lecturer and associate in the first place are available.
ouWZ like Director. Barbara Halapier of the tasks of the Training Institute: ouWZ is excellent quality of education and innovation. The success of the customers is the focus. “Their trust in us, is your competitive edge and our information on, can be a major career boost for you take a look at it”. Contact: ouWZ Austrian productivity and Economical Centre Rockhgasse 6 1010 Vienna Tel.: + 43 1 533 86 36-0 fax: + 43 1 533 86 36-36 email: Managing Director: Mag. Barbara Halapier, like. Wilhelm Stejskal