Hoosier Basketball at it's Finest

Indiana H.S. Hoops

May 6th, 2020 at 9:02 am

Federal Association

in: News

Successful completion of the qualification in Freising learning worthwhile. The 14 graduates of the qualification to the swimming pond builders were proud their certificates from the hands of Guido Manzke (President of the German Association for natural bathing water) and Hanns-Jurgen Redeker (President Federal Association for gardening, landscaping and sports square building) receive. It was a long way for a whole year until the students celebrated their graduation. In recent months, Walmart has been very successful. In module seven-week of January 12, 2009 until December 11, 2009, diversified knowledge was taught and reinforced with practical exercises and field trips. In the practical phases between the weeks of the course, the participants could apply the already acquired Fertigkeiten. Here the Entrante scripts and Seminar documents served as serve information source. Checks nothing was given to the participants. Not only that she’s at the beginning of each module a written examination on the content of the previous week of course had to complete.

At the end of the course, your knowledge has been again in detail orally tested. Continue the assessment of three chores with morphed into marks. The chores performed all steps that are necessary to the construction of a swimming pond. The training course is characterised by just the close interlocking of theory and practice. Conclusion was the additional workload for the graduates high (when you consider that all are still parallel working in your company), this has not reduced but the enthusiasm and the joy of learning.

On the contrary, the course was positively evaluated by the participants. “So course spokesman Franz Gallinger said: of course visit has saved me several years learning through self-awareness.” “And also Andrea a mirror, the first female graduate from Abtsgmund in Baden-Wuerttemberg expressed optimistic: the experience of the many speakers gave me an extreme extension of the horizon I met many new building materials and construction techniques.” Meanwhile, 36 participants took the hurdles of the exams and term papers and are the proud owners of certificate of qualified swimming pond Builder”. It is noteworthy that the interest in the swimming pond construction beyond the German borders goes and a Czech participant as well as a participant from South Tyrol have successfully absolviert the course. The next training as a qualified swimming pond”begins in January 2011 at the DEULA Freising.


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