The life of the nature is a constant process of movement in that process all thing and property is transformed into their opposite one: the cold becomes hot, it warms up and it fried. Etc. Since everything, when changing incessantly, renews. It is not possible to enter the same river twice, in the human life east passage of everything to his opposite, is not a simple change, but a fight so fights is universal. " the father and king of all the things " in the fight of opposites its identity is pronounced nevertheless: a same thing is the way upwards and the way downwards. The life and the death etc the universality of the change and the passage of each property to their opposite cause that all the qualities are relative. On the basis of the knowledge they are.
The sensations, if something were concealed to the perceivable light by the senses podria not to escape in the light of the reason, heraclitus opposes its conception that of the world their contemporaries and fellow citizens have most of. The aristocratic ideas of heraclitus, about the society occur in with some progressive characteristics: heraclitus demonstrates against the customary right traditional defendant by the aristocrats, to which it opposes the law promulgated by the state. Law by which the men have to fight like by the walls of their native city. as we can observe heraclitus breaks definitively with the traditional scheme of some. Which afrimaba the world habia created by the Gods. Since to all man it is difficult to him to leave his beliefs. Therefore, Great Alexander, respected the beliefs of towns that sometia. Soon it involves the necessity like one of the change origins. You would notice in the daily life, the thousands of needs that force the human being to move in search of means that replace the same.