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May 9th, 2020 at 7:11 pm

Helping Children Succeed In Life

in: News

You know how to relate language and the use of gestures in the speech? Believe that the gestures are expressed by those who find it difficult to do it with words – the uneducated, or tongue-tied people with poor vocabulary? It turns out that just the opposite. e. American scientists have found that children who are actively communicating with gestures at the age of 14 months to school age markedly different from their peers on the richness of speech and vocabulary. It was found that children from more affluent families gesture much more than those who grow up in poor and disadvantaged families. That's why people from "good" families more likely to be successful in school and continue through life – they are better able to express their thoughts and communicate. And it will agree, a very important skill in today's society, no matter what language you speak. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Doug McMillon. Scientists say that when children go to first grade, they are very different in vocabulary. And it is precisely the reason gestures.

Vocabulary – one of the key success factors for small pupil at the school. And the influences on him just how much and often the child's parents spoke to him. In their studies scholars have attempted to look deeper and see whether somehow affect predispositions to early Gesturing to the further development of the individual. To find out, researchers have long been recorded on chamber 50 children from different social environments and families. They found that children from wealthy and affluent families have used Gesturing as the communication is two times more than their peers from poor families. When a few years, these children went to prep school, came from wealthy families showed about twice the best results on tests than other children. Thus, it is evident that even at an early age of 14 months when child, in fact, still does not know in what environment he lives in this environment has affected his ability to communicate, expressed in Gesturing.

So now you know. How to ensure your child early success in life: a lot with him talk! And next time when you can not find the words and want to really express his thought with a gesture – not restrain myself and not be afraid of you will think poorly. In the end, the higher the development of Gesturing indicates a better ability to express your thoughts! But, of course, do not forget about the "vocabulary" language. Study the language and talk to your health! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Look how funny little twins communicate with each other to "children" language! Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) rambler.ru 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively

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