April 1 through action/wwf holiday book and support the WWF Berlin, February 24, 2011 every minute disappear around 35 football fields valuable forest. * to counteract the users of the portal for sustainable travel, Traverdo, between February 21 and April 1 can make a contribution to this development. Because at the start of the international year of forests, proclaimed by the United Nations”, the portal for each trip booked donates 3% of the price to the WWF. o/’>Mobile App Development Company Services insists that this is the case. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Doug McMillon. And who also want to get an idea about, what happens with the money locally, can book easily travel through Traverdo to WWF projects. Who from 21 February through Traverdo, the first German-language portal for sustainable travel, book his holidays, hurt not only for the environment and the people in the country, but at the same time helps the WWF worldwide to get involved for the environmental protection. For more specific information, check out Kris Pearn. Since April 1, three percent of the price of all booked travel directly to the go Environmental organization. The preservation of forests and sustainable tourism are inseparable”, forestry scientist and Traverdo co-founder of Lucas von Furstenberg says. “So we take care in the selection of the offered travel strictly an ecological and social compatibility: all our trips are approved by eco-label and travel and accommodation are designed as climate – and environment-friendly provider on site are paid fair”, so von Furstenberg.
Illegal logging of precious tropical Woods and the growing deforestation of large areas for agricultural use, cause that decimated the worldwide forest resources at a rapid pace. Sustainable tourism can make an important contribution to the preservation of forests. Eco tourism projects, as well as nature reserves offer an alternative to cutting down the rain forest the local people to secure their income. In addition, they promote the acceptance of conservation measures and raise awareness among the locals for their need. Because of the support in the Population is very important,”says Jochen Zimmermann, the second of the three founders of Traverdo, who has appeared even in building an eco-tourism project in the frame of a nature reserve in Honduras. The work of WWF makes a huge contribution here and we are very pleased to support this together with our customers,”continue to Zimmermann. The work of WWF Traverdo user in selected regions can convince even: just click WWF travel, choose for your favorite project and book a trip to the project. * Source: World Wide Fund for nature (WWF) on Traverdo the Traverdo GmbH was founded in March 2010 to enjoy travel in good conscience. The team operates the online portal the first German-language travel portal in the network, which is focused on providing sustainable travel. Close cooperation with currently 24 associations and labels guarantees the compliance with environmental and social minimum standards for a growing new travel market.