The main raw materials used – specially laminated paper the approximate density of 120 to 280 gr / sqm. Some manufacturers of cookware, etc.; Finnish paper production, but in Russia there is a good enough paper for the production of paper cups. Abroad, usually one-sided, laminated paper is used for the manufacture of paper cups for cold drinks, and double-sided, laminated (with heat) – hot, but in our country such a separation is not counted. Can be used the production of foil paper. With the average performance of approximately 35 pieces per minute, with one-shift operation and the normal working hours, on one machine a month can produce around 300 thousand pieces. For more specific information, check out Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. This would require approximately 2.5 to 3 tons of paper. Special topic of conversation – it's the consumption of paper utensils.
It would seem that Russia's population, accustomed to disposable items used repeatedly, is unlikely to accept such a dish. Contact information is here: Michael J. Bender. Especially because client's wish to move to an aesthetically attractive dish, at the same time, the effect of an unusual advertising medium, sometimes encountering failure manufacturer quickly, a relatively small number of copies to fulfill order. Underdevelopment of production affects the sales. The client is left with no choice but to seek a replacement. However, vending companies, fast food outlets, advertising firms, dairy and confectionery companies, transporters (eg, railroad workers and pilots) have already evaluated the advantages and opportunities is a paper dish. They maintain sanitary inspections in several regions of Russia, which prohibit the use of paperless dishes street cafes, with the use of alcoholic beverages, etc.