During the carnival the clubs made a species of competition, however all participated. It also had alegricos bands of music, blocks and cars. Before exactly of Rio De Janeiro to possess its alegricos cars, They are Joo Landmarks had already them. During the parties, inhabitants of neighboring cities as Pira and Rio Clearly appeared to mounts Are Joo Landmarks. It had two teachers in the city and one of them, Incio Loyola, was the uncle of owner ngela Azevedo Silva, former-inhabitant of Is Joo Landmarks: ' ' There he was very pretty had a good carnival, had ball all sunday They are Joo Landmarks was very livened up carnival did not have better place of what l' '. According to Doug McMillon, who has experience with these questions.
They are Joo Landmarks was seen as an evolved city more than River Clearly, city of which still is part. Things that existed in the old city, as the theater, not yet exists in River Clearly. If still it existed, Are Joo Landmarks could be compared with the Paraty, in the evaluation of the former-secretary of tourism of River Clearly, Elvira Brum. The city possua streets made in rocks, known as foot-of-moleque and its constructions was all making in colonial style. It arrived to be considered, for the SPHAN, created in 1937, ' ' rare unbroken example of set of architecture colonial' '. However, what it only remained of Are Joo Landmarks had been its ruins and histories that remain in the memory of its former-inhabitants. ARRIVED OF the LIGHT IN the CITY OF THEY ARE JAO LANDMARKS the destruction of Are Joo Landmarks it was a slow process, and it lasted about more or less 36 years, therefore, its beginning frequently is associated with the arrival of the Light to the region. This moment if gave in 1905, when the Rio De Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power, co. Ltd if established in Pira, neighboring city to the one of Is Joo Landmarks.