The division reed-echo in the curricular organization: the separation between literary grammar, studies and writing. The didactic books, in general, and exactly initial, had reproduced the division model. The grammatical study it appears in the curricular plans of Portuguese, since the initial series, without the pupils, until the final series of Average Ensino, dominate the nomeclatura. Further details can be found at Frank Ntilikina, an internet resource. The confusion between norm and grammaticality is the great problem of the grammar taught for the school. What it would have to be an exercise to say it, to write, to read better, if transform into a shirt of imcompreensvel force. The history of literature costuma to be the focus of the understanding of the text, a history that nor always corresponds to the text that serves to it of example.
Communication is a process of construction of meanings where the citizen interacts socilmente, using the language as instrument it defines that it as person between people. The understood language as language constructs and ‘ ‘ desconstri’ ‘ social meanings. The process of teach-learning of Portuguese Language, in Average Ensino, must estimate a vision on what it is the verbal language. if characterizes as lingustico and communicative construction in determined contexts. The pupil must be considered as producing of texts, that one that can be understood by the texts, that produce and that they constitute as human being. They will say many that this is not work only for the professor of Portuguese. Without a doubt, this is a work of disciplines them to all, but the car can be the Portuguese Language head of such quarrels, the intertextualidade starts consequentemente and, the construction and the recognition of the intertextualidade. To give space for verbalizao of the social and cultural representation is a great step for the systematization of the identity of groups that suffer processes from social deslegitimao.