Hoosier Basketball at it's Finest

Indiana H.S. Hoops

August 28th, 2019 at 12:56 pm

Mexico City

in: News

But until the question anyway: Can you wish him well and not feel any bitterness? In this step you should feel compassion and gratitude to that person. You should see this experience as a gift, as a lesson you had to learn to not to make the same mistakes. If you can not then go back to step one and start again. Often required several attempts to learn the lesson. In particular, step four requires absolute honesty. If in any way fail to learn the lesson, just try to get those feelings from you, put them in a bubble, send it to space and trusts that the Universe will provide the right people and situations to illuminate your own awakening.

I'll give you an example where I used this same formula. Some years ago I was assaulted and beaten in Mexico City as he left the bowling alley. I got on a "collective" and swerved a few blocks later, I made me lie on the floor, they put a gun to my head, I took everything he had, then I got out of the car and hit me in a dark street and empty, leaving me lying on the floor. At that time there I felt no pity for those guys. What happened is that they were looking for someone to rob and I screamed at them that will stop thinking it was a true collective. Step One – Identify the conflict. Easy! They confronted me, beat me and took my money I had.


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