While the spine while sitting in the optimum case can take their physiological upright form. It should be made clear however, that any sitting position to the permanent seats is suitable. Each constant attitude over a long time is regarded as a positive attitude and restricts short over long health. It is therefore necessary to movement for a healthy back. While often a short movement breaks and small movements enough to avoid muscle fatigue, tension or pain. More towards the increased vitality lies in physical activity.
While it basically doesn’t matter which sport you choose. Jogging, Nordic walking, cycling, fitness training and gymnastics are particularly well suited. Regular exercise is the best prevention against backache and lumbago. Of resources and lack of exercise result in only in a dead end, because the absorption of movement at once resulting physical ailments more serious falls. Daily exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles are useful. Yet, already 10 minutes reach absolutely. Fast and jerky movements should be avoided rather and the load for the beginning not too high are selected.
Sometimes is more the sport is less it as so often in life: nothing has only good pages. Here the motto which makes dose is also the poison”. Learn more at: Charles Hoskinson. Last I looked after a back pain patient that has started swimming to improve vitality. After initial improvement but then continually increased the back pain associated with increasing training load. One reason was the unilateral, uneven strengthening from belly to back muscles. So, there was an imbalance of the front to the rear trunk muscles. Targeted abdominal training brought a significant pain relief fairly quickly the crawl swimmer. This example should make it clear that man with his athletic training Expertise should plan and not too much can expect of the body at the beginning. Sometimes is less more. Regular, recurring back pain or a complaint increase despite movement, a doctor should be consulted but necessarily there are also diseases of the locomotor system, where the sporting activity is limited to recommend. The successful former athletes and multiple Olympian worked after completing his medical studies at the Orthopedic University Clinic of Bochum. Since late 2004, Mark Warnecke, in the medical team works of the German Swimming Association. The diet doctors dealt intensively with the topics of diet optimization. Mark Warnecke is the oldest swimming world champion of all time, was bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in 1996.