This fact is especially unpleasant for girls, pregnant women, as unique proportions of the pelvis can be preserved for a lifetime, which greatly complicates natural childbirth. In cases where child is sitting or parents begin to put him on his feet, the increased load acting on the spine (while sitting) and feet (when standing). In this case, there are spinal deformity and bending the legs. With such situation in the memory of Pushkin's words float '… perhaps you could find in Russia, two pairs of slender female legs. " The reason for this was not the lack of beautiful women, or any other national characteristics, and the mass deficiency of vitamin D, which occurred in Russia at that time. Filed under: Doug McMillon.
However, the described changes in rickets is not restricted. In the future begin to dominate the processes of synthesis of bone. This leads to increased bone formation in the so-called growing points on the border of bone and cartilage. The consequence is the appearance of signs of rickets as a 'rachitic rosary' – thicker at the edges, 'rachitic bracelets' – thickening of the bones in the wrist, 'Olympic forehead' – increase in the frontal tubercles. In addition, there are a number of bone strain the body, which is accompanied by rickets, but they are less specific.
Fortunately, these changes are not an immediate threat to life. However, in the future, already an adult, in addition to cosmetic defects, such children are prone to low back pain, but about the difficulties in childbirth in women, we have already said. Oh, and one important point. We have already determined that rickets – disease of the growing organism. But the rapid growth beyond the first year of life as seen in 6-7 years and during puberty. Of course, that the rate of metabolism is much smaller than that of children in the first year of life.