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May 12th, 2020 at 12:02 pm

Physio Pilates

in: News

If your personal agenda is packed with meetings, if the meal schedule is equivalent to the time that it takes to eat a sandwich and if words like fun or relaxation belong to a distant past, you are on the best way to have serious physical and psychological problems caused by stress, intense product of a working routine. An investigation conducted by the psychology of the HCor (Hospital do Coracao) sector in Sao Paulo, with 441 executives who went through the clinical check-up at the hospital, showed that 59% of patients with high stress index has between 20 and 30 years, while 45% corresponds to people aged between 30 and 40 years. With the financial crisis, affects pressure to all charges of a company and the previous percentages tend to increase, precisely at the time that is necessary to lucidity and an agile head to undertake decisive and tangible actions. The practice of Pilates can become a perfect exhaust valve for executives who grapple daily with questions that they require discipline, patience, strategic and logistical planning, leadership and other issues. Pilates practice allows the student to develop a greater awareness of mind and body, while it teaches you how to achieve greater control, concentration and self-confidence. It also allows these people other many fundamental objectives through principles of movement as, for example, to achieve a correct breathing.

The Pilates method also stimulates the circulatory system and increases blood activity releases endorphins, the substance responsible for the feeling of pleasure and well-being. Pilates exercises help to hard muscles and stressed, that usually accompany stress, relax. It is very common that after some few Pilates classes, students comment that they are sleeping well, bowel and circulation are functioning better and that even friends have commented that they are different, with more available, explains Alice Becker, President of the Physio Pilates company Educacao and forerunner of the Pilates method in Brazil.


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