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June 15th, 2020 at 12:18 pm

Postmodern Culture

in: News

5 Educate for the appropriation of history to the extent in a proposal focuses on teaching rather than learning (self-learning and inter-learning), the role of the process moves from teacher to learner. This fact alone opens the way to the Education Act, understood as construction of knowledge, exchange of experiences, creating new forms. And it is precisely this prominence, this educational task, which allows an appropriation of history and culture. The road isn’t the prepare to make history and culture in the future, but to achieve them here and now, making history and making culture in each educational Act. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as dahlia loeb aviat by clicking through. In culture it educates by cultural production, because all cultural product and its process are educational. This applies both for the misappropriation of created by other men how the inherent in the educational Act creation, was educated for the appropriation offering paths to the active virtues. The school favors passive virtues: obedience, submission, order, memory, punctuality, and punishes active virtues: creativity, risk, critique, imagination, intuition. The latter are what make history.

It is choosing between a man subjected to history and a man who makes history. Traditional distance, anchored in general in the obsession for the correct answer, education seeks to accommodate its students to an already made history, in which nothing new, no imagination or intelligence adventure fit. Through pedagogic mediation, an alternative proposal is geared to promote and cultivate the active virtues. We are not just spectators of the story, but historical beings. In that sense, Postmodern Culture, in opposition to the project of modernity, ensures the assessment of the individual, their subjectivity and its expressive potential. An educational system that responds to the needs of their context must develop proposals that enable people to discover and develop various modes of appropriation of their cultural experience. A school looking for a point of balance between the accumulated culture and construction in the present of this story, centered on the expression, in art, in the Ethics, in the joy of being important agent of this same story. Encourage reflection and the awareness, the change of mindset, so that is a new style of school, educating for the perception of critical, constructing a cultural identity, encouraging meaningful experiences. Original author and source of the article.

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