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May 12th, 2020 at 9:02 am

Preparing For Birth

in: News

Pregnant program allows fizicheskuyuformu support, preparing for the birth of a baby, and to remove the load from the back and shoulders. People with a bad back should consult svrachom before the training for any training program. However, the practice of Pilates – by its nature is mild and controllable method to kotoromotsutstvuyut sharp movements. It is very important to engage with . He will be able to ensure the proper implementation movements podberetindividualnuyu program, gradually increase pressure and always with joy in your accomplishments swami! Lovely ladies! If you are not pregnant before zanimalispilatesom give up the idea of developing a new trenirovochnoysistemy for you. The development of any new physical activity during this period nerekomenduetsya, you still have time.

Program 'Pilates' ideal for periodaposlerodovogo recovery. If you mastered uprazhneniisistemy 'Pilates' to pregnancy, smears continue classes, but Sucheta general contraindications to training for pregnant women. Certainly do better and safer place under the guidance of a personal coach and kontrolemvracha. To get the maximum benefit from the lesson, it is important to understand the essence of engineering exercise. Oka often protivorechitprinyatym and familiar concepts to many of us, and.

Nevertheless, helps izbezhatbolevyh sensations often occur because of incorrect implementation uprazhneniyimi lack of muscle strength. Unlike the traditional approach based navypolnenii exercise with a flat back exercises Pilates designed dlyavosstanovleniya natural curvature of the spine and rebalance the muscles vokrugsustavov. If lying down her back with outstretched legs you press down the waist to the floor, then peregruzhaetsyapoperechnaya muscle. In the training program of Pilates in this position is recommended sohranyatestestvenny deflection and lower back, but maksimalnoerasstoyanie between the waist and the floor should not exceed the width palm of your hand. Note: vpolozhenii lying on your back with knees bent or stretched upside down when the spin is naturally pressed to the floor, not sleduetprotivoestestvenno try to form a deflection under loin. Leave the flat lumbar, dropping straight legs kpopu's page is not in the position back. The key to the method of Pilates – Save vytyazheniyamyshts during their stress. With the development of exercises and polozheniilezha on your back with knees bent and feet you will often meet komandu'plotno squeeze your buttocks. " Beginners sometimes difficult vypolniteto without prompting the pelvis slightly forward, or not removing it from the floor. It must be remembered that the purpose classes – development of strength ikontrolya over muscles at the maximum elongation of the body. That is why in vremyavypolneniya exercises to stretch the upper body in the direction ottaza and save at the same steady position. 6 Ideally, the pelvis and osnovaniepozvonochnika must remain tightly pressed to the floor and still uderzhivatsyamyshtsami 'power center'. Olga Burkov, Tatyana Lisitskaya

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