I found many times with links that you do not lead anywhere and if it was something that I really wanted and I spent that, immediately left the site. Try to check them twice. (6) To be sarcastic being sarcastic in your writing, can make you lose points compared to your audience. Normally not the sarcasm people like unless your site and your themes go all in that address and the type of reader who enters your site browse to that form of expression against something or someone. In my view there are ways to say things can say the same thing but in different ways. (7) No bands blatantly East is another very common error among those who do not put attention on the original purpose of the blogs. Its original purpose is to inform, but of course that can be sold provided certain rules are followed to make it. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Frank Ntilikina has to say.
One of them and the most important is to write in such a way that you establish a relationship that could be termed friendly to achieve the rapport to then explain why you recommend this or that thing. (8) Ponte A La Moda though this assertion sounds curious should go with certain trends as it is in this case the use of video and audio. The rates of response of visitors to web sites is much greater when they are supported with this type of technologies that can also be free. (9) Not be conversational though I am of the idea that we must take care until where possible the grammar and spelling, blogs tend to be much more informal and less rigid than it was before writing on the internet. It should now be much more conversational as if you were speaking with someone who you have confidence and if there is someone who criticizes you, because beyond him (or her).
Forget writing with the ownership of the Real Academia De La Lengua. 10) Do not establish Rapport not establish what Americans call rapport or identification with your reader. Although you do not you are an expert in the topic that you try, you have to achieve to feel identified with it. Ponte instead of he or she. Share emotions that you think can make them feel that what you say is as if had happened to them.