Tin Plate Company and by then, one of the strongest companies Monterrey was fully linked to the TEC, this helped him to both. We can never forget in our training many years ago, that the profile of the professionals were constantly Tec was reformed according to the needs of environment, an issue that very little makes some Latin American institutions, for example, is that engineering students, whatever their entries were linked to companies in obligatoias internships that allowed them to evaluate how successful the knowledge they were given according to the requirements of the time. To this must be added that there were laboratories in different areas which allowed to apply theoretical knowledge with practical, backed by experienced facilitators, with extensive knowledge. The Technology within its academic curriculum, any engineering professions were to follow, no one ever neglected subject on the formation of values in all professional ensures ethical behavior, honesty, commitment, and was given as compulsory subject Professional Ethics. It was expected that most teachers already have their respective postgraduate Masters and some with doctorates from universities in the United States recognized. Teachers always willing to provide cooperation in doubt, a concern that the student has, very important to motivate the participant to properly use their potential, especially when you feel the backing of teachers willing to address questions, suggestions, advice. Along with academic excellence for that then gave us the ITESM had sports venues as the interest of each participant to power according to the abilities, skills, integrated teams representing different disciplines organized Tec. .