Hoosier Basketball at it's Finest

Indiana H.S. Hoops

May 12th, 2020 at 8:33 pm

The Observation

in: News

Is dan account that we’ve gone from the impossibility of avoiding neologisms: new order, new language. Thus, as he told them, it is the snake that bites its tail. But this is not a way to be empty, since every time the process itself is taken by object. The poem is not empty: is the message full of himself; the figure is not empty, is the full work of herself; the ceremony is not empty, is full use of herself. In all these cases, the important thing is to take the aesthetic vision made on each plane, as other visions, of the action, but which characterized the action as she is once more, endocentric. And I would add that, well understood, this vision endocentric is not absolutely incompatible with the other two visions, which are exocentricas: the poem is poem where he is saying (vision endocentric), that does not stop to say something (exocentric vision). We can technically do colonies (mink endocentric), those made colonies of young women called caryatids (vision endocentric) the Greeks made that a monument located on the acropolis of Athens and we call the Erechteion. Commissioning of the first stone of a building can be the object of a ceremony (vision endocentric) and, at the same time, a conjured act carried out so the monument in question does not fall (exocentric vision). Anyway, you can realize without any doubt, the explanation of beat the record of France of one hundred meters (vision endocentric), or simply to reach the bus! Is said and to not leave the subject of art, if they give that concept of figure a sufficiently vast application field (figure in the art of dance or skating, but also in the gymnastic in the ground, imposed figures or free figures, etc.), will see that this definition of art as a dialectic of technical abstraction process referenced auto product (weight each of my words), they are valid for all the arts! I mean absolutely all of them, from dance to the culinary art, passing through the architecture, sculpture, caricature, etc.! I speak very seriously: take your time to consider giving you, yourselves, some examples, you will see! that it works! And if it works, is that our hypothetical-deductive method is corroborated by the it comes and goes between the observation of concrete and the theoretical hypothesis.

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