Who already has been in two Latin assemblies (one in Tottenham in April and another one in Elephant and Castle in May), it said to us in Spanish: This week the assembly of London vote an amnesty to the immigrants to give a way them to become citizens. I am totally in agreement with a social, cultural and commercial center ibero and Latin American (a Latin Quarter), by a date ibero and Latin American in London and so that this one has a celebration in Trafalgar Square, and by one radio, newspaper and Latin TV channel. Darren reached the motion to us that he wrote up and who was approved by 12 votes (Labour Party members, liberal and green) against 5 votes (4 conservatives and 1 BNP), whereas a conservative abstained and was 7 absentees. This says: This Assembly notices the commitment of election given by the present Mayor and other main candidates in support to a unique one, limited per time, and gained process of stabilisation for advisable immigrants well, many of which live and toil in London, that would allow to that are been in the United Kingdom many years to be admitted in a footpath of two years towards the citizenship. This Assembly now solves doing representations towards the British government in support of such stabilisation, and call to the Mayor to unrsenos in the elaboration of these requests, including by comisionar generating tests as far as the positive impact on the economy of London.
The Assembly of London is composed by 25 people who were elect first of May and is the being that governs to the capital along with Boris mayor Johnson. Their functions are merely policemen (then the two cameras of the parliament only can make a law), but its gesture for the undocumented people is very significant since by the motion all the members of an assembly of the party of the government voted (Labour Party members) and she has been requested to him to the mayorship that she details in a report on the benefits that there are for the economy in regularizing to so many hundreds of thousands of workers. The Mayorship of London, nevertheless, if it has weight in questions of planning and police. On this Darren it thinks that the building of Wards Corner must completely be preserved. For him the Latins deserve themselves to maintain that estate and the idea of there for making a cultural and communitarian center with galleries of art, cinema, theater, etc. this idea verdareramente seems, truly very good to him, because it will benefit to all London. It said that the Latins not only would have to also think about the cultural Olympic Games of the 2.012 (the same that will occur before the games and that they will look for to demonstrate the multicultural character of London). Wednesday from the 9 A.M. the Latins will concentrate themselves to be able to attend the session of the Assembly of London that Johnson and in which will preside over the mayor must respond, for the first time, to a ten of questions written on the Latin community.