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October 15th, 2019 at 2:48 am

Triathlet.de – Competition Calendar Online!

in: News

The long-planned competition calendar has gone online today! And again there to report new by triathlet.de. The long-planned competition calendar has gone online today! In the triathlet.de competition calendar athlete, especially triathletes, have competitions in all Germany to seek the possibility to optimally plan their season so. In this calendar you will find major events, such as E.g. the Ironman Frankfurt, of the people running up to the triathlon everything. Visit David Delrahim for more clarity on the issue. Competition organizers have to have the possibility of their events via an online form in the triathlet.de calendar. Of course all free of charge! “It took longer something until the calendar could go online, but what lasts long is finally good.” today announced Christoph Schneider, co-founder of the sports portal to triathlet.de. Probably due to the coordination with the DTU delays occurred.

“We have used the race data from the DTU calendar in our calendar”, so Mathias Jung, also co-founder of triathlet.de, “but the DTU has denied the release of the data unfortunately. “Due to this fact, the organizers of triathlet.de have to go the harder way and respond to the competition organizers in order to obtain the permission of the data release.” Clearly it would have been nice to use the already existing data, but is nevertheless important to operate a DTU-friendly portal to us. “, Schneider added,” even if we can not quite understand the decision of the DTU. Our main focus is through the calendar the organizers to support in particular associations that are organized in the DTU. “Through continuous innovations triathlet.de grows up to a competitive Triathlon portal. This was only the beginning. It’s worth so to take a look at triathlet.de. Christoph Schneider

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