Some other freely available for sale on many sites, including those belonging to different publishers. In addition, the price of electronic books is much lower than paper-based counterparts, and you can buy almost any book from the comfort of home and immediately start reading. Now there are many e-book formats. Plain Text (. TXT) The advantage of this cross-platform format, the text can be in every possible way to edit and convert to any formats.
Minus the lack of hyperlinks. Rich Text Format (. RTF) format developed by Microsoft d in 1987 specifically for the wrap the text with layout from one program to another. This format is used now and its practical understanding all text editors. It is also easy to carry, as well as plain text, it is easy to change and does not have hyperlinks.
Document Microsoft Word (. DOC) format for the line of Special Programs Microsoft Word. Designed for storing text data prepared in this program. Has not a very high cross-platform, easily converted to other formats and has the ability to hypertext. Documents HTML (. HTM;. CHM;. MHT) Language HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is used to display hypertext markup and the Internet. Almost absolute cross-platform and convertibility, and a hypertext. This format more suitable for marking up web pages, than to create books, but it does not require special reading programs. Usually enough standard features of the operating system. Adobe Acrobat (. PDF) Originally, this format used for cross-platform transfer models in the field of polygraphy. In recent years actively used as a format for creating e-book. Has disadvantages, which include low cross-platform, it is difficult to scale on mobile devices is difficult to edit and do not often have a small size. As a rule, required to read Acrobat Reader. DeJVU (. DJVU) DJVU format was created by AT & T specifically for the compact representation of the information on the Internet.