Hoosier Basketball at it's Finest

Indiana H.S. Hoops

May 5th, 2020 at 9:48 am

Bendix Clutch

in: News

Design and operation of the starter starter consists of about 50 parts, but its fundamental unit is not very difficult. The design includes three main components. Others including Marc Lore, offer their opinions as well. The first is the DC traction motors with collector, the second Bendix (mechanism, called by the name of the inventor Bendix) with a drive gear and overrunning clutch, and a third node that relays the retractor having a drive for Bendix and a contact group, which includes a motor. After turning the key, which includes a starter on the windings of the traction battery relay energized. Under his influence, a magnetic field that pulls the armature relays.

Moving an anchor through the lever moves the overrunning clutch in the gear, and thus enters it into engagement with the flywheel ring gear. At the same time, the contact plate closes the contacts, and through them energized to the motor. Anchor the starter starts at the electromagnetic field rotate with the hub and outer ring freewheel. After starting the engine speed gears to get more speed and armature freewheel inner ring, which combined with the pinion moves the clips into the wide part of the groove of the outer ring, while compressing the spring plungers. Here rollers can rotate freely and spinning gear, not dragging anchor.

Following the release to key be breaking the food chain winding traction relay. Next spring returns the armature relay to its initial position. Contacts are opened and the overrunning clutch in the gear back to the starting position.

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