Breakfast will help you to keep your insulin levels since the morning and help you avoid eating binges. And thus your brain will not on alert because there is not enough food. And not enter into energy saving mode. 4 Banishes myths do not there are foods with negative calories, or fat burning foods. Spicy food broiler just like the others. But if you can take food that is more diuretics that will help you to not retain fluid. Your allies: the you.
Both the Green and Red natural pineapple or pineapple in its own juice, but never in syrup. Drink water throughout the day. Taking foods containing vitamin C. The kiwi, the fruit of the forest, cherries, citrus, broccoli, peppers, sprouts, etc. has anti-inflammatory effects that help eliminate liquids. 5 Pica eat more fruits and vegetables to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day will help in your diet. They are low in calories and provide you many nutrients.
The vitamins and minerals that you provide are also indispensable for the beauty of skin and hair 6. Move if you apply all these tips while you do sport the results are multiplied by 10. Nor is it necessary that you slay in the gym. I do Spinning or Body Pump 3 times a week. I try to walk at least 30 minutes a day and I never use the elevator. My neighbors joke telling me that if still scares me climb on the lift alone. You can go walking to work, or get off a couple of stops before the bus or the metro. Avoid taking the car for everything. 7. Night of the endocrine fruit recommended my mother one night a week to cenara only fruit, being possible to pineapple in its own juice. Probably that night not You will sleep flip because the pineapple is super diuretic and will have to go several times to the bathroom. A small price to change to get up with the belly flat. 8 Concentrate to eat when we eat in front of the tele lose the notion of what you eat. Because we eat in a mechanical way. When we go to eat we must only think that we are doing. You try to chew the food several times and eat slowly. I try to think everytime as if food I’ll eat me will help or not to achieve my goal. So I am more aware of what throughout the day. Use this technique of elite athletes, focusing on their main objective and focus them all actions carried out throughout the day to achieve his goal. As we don’t want to win an Olympic gold medal so we can focus only on food and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. I hope that these guidelines will help you as much as me have helped me. If you’re disciplined and constant you can achieve your goals.