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June 5th, 2020 at 7:02 am

Center Analysis

in: News

The change maturity analysis is an efficient tool for testing of staff and leadership behaviour in changing situations. It’s believed that Randall Rothenberg sees a great future in this idea. “It is a structured approach with close teeth of soft” hard “factors, which is adapted to each individual situation in the companies. As a prevention model, the change maturity analysis assessed the general condition of the ability to change. Therefore it is considered an instrument to secure the long-term future of companies. So it makes transparent the development success in the individual segments of the change fitness. In the change in phase of understanding and acceptance of”outward-facing, for example, issues covered as well analysis as inward-looking. The comparison of both perspectives allows conclusions about it, whether the Status quo of the current performance is sufficient, um upcoming changes with the scheduled staff and command forces to cope successfully.

The change maturity analysis comprises six areas: recognition and understanding of outer impulses of change and-zusammenhangen recognizing and understanding of internal change pulses and-zusammenhangen accept and will implement and cultivating learning and developing characteristics of the organizational framework for changes with a well-prepared and professionally conducted change maturity analysis is transparency and awareness in relation to the process of change for the people in an organization created. The analysis provides a valid basis for the future design of change processes and provides answers to the question, what must be done for upcoming change projects can be completed successfully. It offers evidence for changes in this organization analyzed which factors influence the success or failure. The instrument provides clarity about the Performance of the organisation in terms of change, the knowledge of the relevant fields of action, notes for proper prioritization and thus forms the Foundation for the long-term development of the organization. About the Mutaree GmbH: The Mutaree GmbH is a specialist in change management.

The services include the planning and control of processes of change, as well as the implementation support to achieve the objectives of the change. Where is the human being always at the Center. Mutaree advises clients from various industries: banks and insurance, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, energy, healthcare, telecommunications, public administration and tourism.

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