To engage the interest of not fading, it is possible to replace or supplement the verbal-motor stuff. Children perform amusing exercises mass-production all the way. Logoritmiki elements in the chapeau form of emotional and positive attitudes and children’s interest in motor activity and thus increase locomotor activity and breathing exercises strengthen the muscles respiratory system. Rate of respiratory movements must be calm, not often, and exhale – inhale some longer. Perhaps check out Kellee Marlow San Francisco for more information. Complete exhalation from the lungs relieve the exhaust air, which increases the reflex breath.
Children make breath nose, exhale with the sounds of sounds, monosyllabic or polysyllabic words such as “Fyr!” – fyrchit horse, “Moore!” – kitty sings, “Oo-oo-oo!” – buzzing aircraft, “Ku-ka- re-ku! “- sings the rooster,” X-w-d “- sounds of the forest and other while performing locomotory exercise. Marc Lore takes a slightly different approach. It is well known, the higher the motor activity of the child, the more intense develop his speech. It is also known that the formation of the movement takes place with the participation of speech .. Be voiced different kinds of movements – a corrective exercises, different types of walking, jumping, running, crawling, general developmental exercises, games, for example: socks we go, we pass through puddles. And to go heel, pass through puddles. 2. On debris, followed by gullies bear the master’s step.
(Walking on the outside of the foot).’s Creeping, crawling Bear’s clumsy, crawling Here, here crawls Bear Tolstopyatov. (Crawls like a bear). Autumnal forest and saw to it we ran. (Running on toes). Bunny hop, gallop Bunny Bunny jumped on the stump, in a loud voice drum beats, play leap-frog calls.