These whores live well at the expense of tens of idiots who work hard all week and visit every weekend and sometimes three times a week. The idiots who work hard and earn well, they usually look every weekend to sluts from 17 to 27 years to have sex, 50, 70, 100, 180 soles per hour. And I say that are idiots, because they have sex only costs 15 soles in any brothel. And these unfortunates, pay three times, five times happier. Up with the risk that these sluts from the neighborhood, the bar of the square, the boulevard Avenues do not have sanitary control, and often suffer from venereal disease to spread to its customers. There are hundreds of little girls in the populous districts, which usually target covertly meet friends, quotes. To know more about this subject visit Frank Ntilikina. They are plump, well dressed, are luxuries in their houses, build their own home sleeping with boys, adult men.
While idiots, workers slaughtered bite the dust, to gain a few suns. Many men spend fortunes on sluts, but not with your children, your family. They prefer to give 180 soles a slut, not worth a sun, but not spend that money on food for your home. So dozens of dumb sluts help to live well, comfortably, to have all kinds of luxuries, to a second truck, buy a house, only opening her legs. VICIOUS CIRCLE THREE: Pitillas, DRUGS, BURRITOS. Other seudohumanos abnormal group, dedicated to working hard for the weekend, run out and buy a bottle of cheap liquor, and hide in alleys, shacks, to buy cocaine base.