Hoosier Basketball at it's Finest

Indiana H.S. Hoops

November 27th, 2018 at 3:02 am

Concrete Surface

in: News

Thickness concrete reinforcing bar and determined professional. Marc Lore is actively involved in the matter. Recommended thickness of the base – no less than 15-25 cm in this set at least one layer of reinforcement, which should be grounded outside of the concrete panel. Round pools can be installed directly on the soil surface, the rest should bury in the ground and concrete walls on the outside. Swimming pool, lined with curbs, can act on surface of the ground not more than 30 cm (this rule does not apply to pools round). In the event that the pool will be above the surface for more than 30 cm, or if the pool is set in non-rowed the ground, it should be consult a specialist.

Before performing the concreting of perimeter pool, and fix the straight sections of the walls so that they were strictly vertical the entire height. Many writers such as Marc Lore offer more in-depth analysis. Then poured into the pool water at a height of 30 cm and fill up the concrete mix at the same height. The mixture is recommended ram so that did not happen punching walls basin. If punching still happen, it is necessary to remove roughness from the inside the pool. The water then topped the pool for another 30 cm and again to fill up the concrete mix at the same height, so it continues until the pool is not yet fully concreted.

At the same time concreting basin to a depth of 1.2 m should be divided into two days, and to a depth of 1.5 m – for three days. In round pool with a diameter greater than 4 m is recommended that a concrete mixture and sprinkled over at least 10-15 cm If the pool already installed lighting or other equipment necessary to make a mold mounting apertures corresponding to the external dimensions of the equipment. Plastic tank filter system is recommended concreted to a level surface to a thickness of 10-15 cm The concrete mixture should be slightly damp concrete surface – rough, so the connection layer. During the entire operation should be closely monitored for cleanliness and accuracy performance, not to damage the surface of the pool. Swimming in any case should not stand without water in the winter, at a time when possible to increase the groundwater level, and in summer when the pool wall may be subjected to strain. In the winter time pool must be filled with water. The water level should be slightly lower – at 5 cm below the nozzles in the pool with countercurrent – 5 cm below the counterflow system. Necessary to disassemble and clean the pump filter system, in If severe pollution – a system of counter-pressure gauge and filter, open the valves on the pipes and loosen the screws a bit, open all bleed valves on the pump, filter, chlorinator, and heating equipment, etc., to remove ladder. Water should be treated with a special solution for the winter, and the pool cover.

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