Emotions pervade all our lives, make it bright colors, and perform many functions. So the feeling of joy shows a state of harmony, according to what is happening to our desires or expectations. Experiencing the joy we feel the increased energy, excitement and exposure to perceive more optimistic. Fear can paralyze, to enter into a state of apathy or, alternatively, signaling the danger, give adrenaline, to cope with danger and if necessary, to get away from the pursuer. Emotion – it signals given by our body, which is very useful to learn how to understand and use the benefit for themselves. Perhaps someone argue that it means for the benefit of themselves? After all the emotions – it is our individuality, and I live, therefore I am – and react is part of me. But the wind is also a natural weather phenomenon, which is using windmills and other structures man has learned to use their own benefit.
And the wind did not cease to be wind, and nature has no claim. The topic of emotion psychology and physiology is dedicated set of fundamental papers and books. Emotions and features manifestations occupy the focus of attention in many of the psychotherapeutic work. And I would like to share some observations. This will help to understand what is happening to people who do not have psychological education, but also seeking to harmonize their lives. Thus, the emotions – a reaction to what is happening in our psyche. Our media serves a plurality of signals received by the organs of vision, hearing, smell, tactile, etc.