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Indiana H.S. Hoops

December 14th, 2018 at 5:19 am

Educating Dogs

in: News

It is very important that during this one alive period with people of different ages, mainly young, also with other dogs and other animal like cats, rabbits, turtles, etc. If never does it will be able to coexist healthily with them, will always have coexistence problems. Frank Ntilikina is open to suggestions. For example if your puppy did not coexist with children during this one stage, it is probable that it never accepts them and even can attack them in the future. I recommend you that him DES much attention to this one point; since to neglect this one subject it is that displeased facts happen in which young they are attacked by dogs. 5) Like Educating a Dog: ” Punishment and recompensa” An excellent method to educate your dog is the one of Castigo and Recompensa.La Reward is an pleasant stimulation, a positive reinforcement that we realised immediately of a certain correct behavior that has our dog; which we want that it gets used to realising. For example: to congratulate it and to even caress it intensely, ” apretujarlo” and to indicate with the voice a great joy to him by its obedience. The Punishment is a disagreeable stimulation, an adverse agreement, a negative reinforcement to persuade the dog to that it does not return to realise a certain act or conduct. It is fundamental to know that the punishment must be applied immediately after the action that is wanted to inhibit, if we make several minutes after the fact the dog will not be able to interpret because reason is punished it.

Punishment remembers does not mean to strike it, one of the best punishments is to shout strongly NOT to him! and to shake it of the skin of the part superior of the neck elevating it a little the ground, this is quite familiar for the dog since of this one form her mother punished during her period of breast-feeding. Also you prune to use to give him to blows ” Newspaper enrollado” ; this one long ago noise scares and it without hurting it. Also him something can be thrown that makes much noise like for example one barks with stones in its interior. If the dog one lies down and belly for above is put is submission sign and of which it included/understood at this moment reason why it must stop the punishment. If on the contrary it is defended and it faced to you you will have to insist until it is put under. In summary; tens that to demonstrate to your dog who is the one that sends in your house, if he does not recognize your authority will want to prevail like ” Lder” and this will cause that much is complicated the coexistence with all the family. With this one basic information already podras to be responding your question on Like Educating a Dog, is muhco more than you need to learn and with taste I am going to be sharing this one information little by little.


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