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Indiana H.S. Hoops

December 29th, 2019 at 8:26 pm

Ergonomics Requirements

in: News

Ergonomic requirements for commercial product – a requirement to the size, shape, color products and elements of its structure, to their relative positions, which are responsible for ergonomics and human established in order to optimize its operations. With the help of ergonomic requirements are security, safety and convenience in operation and maintenance of new products. At the present stage implementation and operation of new technology creates problems unsolvable by means of only the technical and medical sciences. Necessary recommendations of psychologists, physiologists, occupational health compliance, design and combining them into a common system requirements on the content and nature of labor rights in the system "man – technology – environment" (SCHTS). Based on the theory and methodology of such an association and there was a 20-ies. XX century. Sam Mikulak has plenty of information regarding this issue. Ergonomics (from gr. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Doug McMillon by clicking through. ergon – work, nomos – Law, the law works ").

Ergonomics – the science that studies the man and his activities in conditions of modern production with a view to optimizing tools, conditions and process of labor. The main goals of ergonomics is: Safety labor; improving the system "man – technology – environment; comfort – satisfaction with the results of their labor rights and ensuring the conditions for the development of human personality in the process of labor. Ergonomics form the following group characteristics: 1) anthropometric, regulate compliance with the machine size and shape of the body working person, mobility, body parts and other parameters, 2) hygienic, characterize meteorological conditions of the microclimate and limiting exposure to harmful environmental factors, and 3) physiological and psychophysical characterize those ergonomic requirements that determine compliance SCHTS power, speed, energy, visual, auditory, tactile features and characteristics of man, and 4) psychological, setting out the cars features and characteristics of perceptual memory, thinking, psychomotor rights. Pronalizirovav these figures, we can give a differential and a comprehensive ergonomic evaluation SCHTS. Ergonomic design includes a ESKD. They are held on all phases – from development Terms of Reference for the establishment of SCHTS to manufacture and test a prototype. At the stage of developing technical specifications ergonomist-psychologist decides whether to ergonomic requirements for future SCHTS based on analysis of data on the use of prototypes. In justifying the execution of each stage of design preparation conducted an ergonomic assessment. It is a complex scientific, technical and organizational and methodological measures for assessing performance in design, pre-and working papers in the samples SCHTS ergonomic requirements specification, the normative-technical and managerial documents.


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