Investment – one of the most frequently used concepts in the economy. The term "investment" comes from the Latin tueayo – "dress" and implies a long-term investment. In the feudal era of investiture named statement of his vassal in feudal fief management (ownership). The same word means the appointment of the parish, received while in the control of church lands to their people and the right to trial. Additional information at Frank Ntilikina supports this article. Introduction to position accompanied by appropriate ceremony vestments and empowerment. Investiture enabled the investor (or, in modern terms, the investor) to attach to their new territory and to participate in management. Over time, the concept of "investment" replenished with a new set of values and began to be used in various fields, and one of the values (long-term investment in an enterprise) by mass became common. It is with this meaning (as is already the principal) is a word appeared in our language, defining the meaning and significance of the remaining one-root words. NBA often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Thus, the investment represents a long-term investment of the private or public capital into various sectors of national or foreign economies in order to profit (income).