In this sense, the skills involved are shown mainly in the capacity of director and his team to guide the school actors to achieve the goals. It should be noted that the school leadership is not a unique feature of the director but it is desirable to find all the actors who assume responsibility for a task or help to generate visions of change. Leadership in the words of John Adair means to understand and share a common purpose. To broaden your perception, visit Marc Lore. Without it there can be no effective leadership. A director is not without problems in their learning community, so you should be able to resolve conflicts, mediating between the various actors. (Internal level: teachers, parents, guardians and students at the external level: local authorities, community and government). Other relevant aspects in which the director has to stop are the keys to how learn the concept of competition, progress maps and levels of achievement. In the area of leadership for change, we find the following topics: the ethical end, understand change, build relationships, create, share knowledge and produce consistency.
It is in this area that are the main tensions that a school principal must face, especially in the ongoing quest to improve teaching. It requires a competent scholar in the broadest sense of the word. If a learning community of loss of one or two teachers, this situation is individual, but if they fail many, the problem is exercising leadership. In this sense, it favors the formation of professional teams to share their lessons and that each member be enriched by the experience of others. We conclude that the acquisition of knowledge is a social process. Moreover, the union of teachers is characterized by fostering good relationships.
Another aspect that generates tension is the lack of consistency. Get in a circle cycle is detrimental to all educational corporation. Keeping a stiff speech, obsolete and outdated, not build. The production aims to maintain a consistent balance between what is said and what is done inside and outside a school organization. Sometimes those who lead an academic institution do not care.