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May 23rd, 2020 at 8:02 pm

Maria Nefedova

in: News

From 1993 to 1997, “The King and the Clown” performed by St. Petersburg’s clubs “there-there”, “Polygon”, “Mountain,” “Ten”, “Sawmill”, “Rock Club”, “Art-clinic” and so on. Continue to learn more with: Marc Lore. In 1995 he joined the band guitarist Jacob Tsvirkunov. In 1996 he was removed a half-hour program about “The King and Shuteev,” which aired repeatedly on the air Channel 5.

The result of this program began filming four low-budget video for the song “A fool and lightning,” “Sudden head,” “Gardener” “Wander the shadows.” Their debut album “Stone on the head” was recorded and released in 1996. The following year they released their second album, “The King and the Clown”. But the remarkable success to the group only came in 1998 with the “acoustic album” This album is different from punk-rock past to become more melodic. On this album, the band joined violinist Maria Nefedova, which greatly influenced the music of Kiss, creating a strong bias towards the folk-rock. Most popular won the ballad “jump off a cliff,” got on the first line of “Chart a dozen.” Since then, the group became known throughout Russia, in early 1999, she gave a recital in the concert hall Olympics. On TV the first professional broadcast video of the song “Eli meat men”, which also falls into the hit parade Nashe Radio. In 2000 she released another album “Heroes and Villains” from which the charts hits song “Remember to Drevlyans bitterly.

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