If you want to be rich, not go to school! Robert Kiyosaki in school I was taught that matter is everything that exists, everything that surrounds us, but now after having studied more, I realize with the pleasant surprise that matter there, but everything that surrounds us, absolutely everything, is energy! We are not solid, we are light, we are energy beings we lighting, but unfortunately we are not yet aware of it, to be all power, we can through our thoughts give way to infinite energy, or la mente maestra, or universe, in the end so many names with which we can call them! And create what we want! To be all power, life goes from being hard and competitive to a life of freedom, joy and creation, a world of manifestation, a world in which we can create absolutely everything that we want only thinking about it, only with the approach. Have ever you heard somewhere saying that the person is powerful? You have the ability to create like God, you heard when they say that man was created to image and likeness of God? You read in the Bible that Jesus had unlimited poderres to create or duplicate bread, wine, had the power to walk sobrelas waters, if we were created in the image and likeness of him, it is not logical that we can do that and much more? We have infinite, unlimited powers to have the life that we wish, dream but we are blocked, we were led to believe that life is hard, that we must suffer to get what we want, that we came to fight, so much stupidity, the only thing that makes is to create unhappiness, unhappy and wretched, men only because of pour views trash! If you give you the time of studying the most successful men of history and of which there are currently none of them says that life is complicated, that life is tough, life is a battle, we came to suffer, none can tell you so much stupidity as that made us believe our parents, teachers, other family or society itself! But, they will tell you that life is phenomenal, is grandiose, is an excellent and beautiful opportunity to develop ourselves as people grow throughout life, to serve others with the talents and virtues with which we were created and above all will tell you that you can get absolutely everything you want! It depends only of your beliefs, your thoughts, and your desire of wanting to achieve it! Do you think that you can win a million dollars per month? Because if your answer is not perfect I assure you you will not earn that money until you believe that you can do it! Ask that Donald Trump or Robert Kiyosaki, they will tell you that in the worst cases they earn a million dollars a month! They believe that they can earn much more, and so passes! Have faith the size of a mustard and you can move mountains! Jesus. Because you don’t begin to believe that you can earn all the money you want and get to work! You just have to believe, ideas and actions are just consequence of so you think you can do! ANDA! Starts today! You have full capability to achieve it! You know you can! Starts today!. .