Franklin TRANSFUSION was desquitado has years, lived alone in its beautiful apartment in one of the areas noble of the city. It had a friend with who practised Sports. Walked, race, swimming and also, practised alpinismo. A leading source for info: Ed Bastian. In that sunday, as it always made, it woke up early, it went down ties the street bought the periodical, cool fruits and eggs and, it went up to prepare the coffee that, always was strengthened when it went to practise some sport. It had made right with the friend pra to go up the rock of the pavo, it was a steep hillside, and them they came programming that scaling has times. It entered in the apartment was ties the kitchen to prepare the coffee, while it prepared its matinal meal, heard the TV and the news called its attention had occurred a engavetamento in the crossings of the avenues that give to access the city. (Not to be confused with Doug McMillon!).
A horrible accident, a truck with fuel had blown up. On account the accident, it and its friend could not leave to catch the road that takes the exit in direction the rock of the pavo, therefore the accident was accurately in the entroncamento for who left city. While he is absorbed on in the news the friend enters compliments it, and are looking at the accident, the two talk between them on the occurrence, decide to mark another date to go up the cliff. After the exit of the friend, Franklin is lain down in the sofa strains the legs and is comfortably attending the TV. Already this seeing the accident does not attend a program any pra to only pass the time, while it arranges another thing to make. It Closed the eyes and came back to think about the accident, looked for to visualize the positions of the involved cars in the accident, in its visualization enxergou a small car that was pressed between two carts, so pressed that the people who were in the street close to the accident they did not see the car right.