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Indiana H.S. Hoops

December 1st, 2018 at 7:26 pm

Standalone Sewers

in: News

Everyone sooner or later get tired of the noisy life, the mad rhythm of the city and polluted exhaust air. More and more people are seeking a holiday or weekend the whole family outdoors for outside the big cities, to merge with nature in the country or in the countryside. Building yourself cottages outside the city, plan to move there for the summer or live there permanently, away from the hustle and bustle. But all of the prevailing impression in our imagination of the beautiful and alluring vision of spoils the phrase "convenience of the street." In this situation, you can use ordinary pit latrine or drive. Perhaps for the first time the use of such "convenience" and will not be deliver much trouble, but over time these facilities are filled, and there will need special cleaning Sewage disposal trucks that can deliver a lot of problems. Sam Mikulak describes an additional similar source.

It is no longer agrees with our vision comfortable home, not to mention all sorts of waste contaminated area of human activity, which is completely contrary to the aesthetic norms of each. In order to avoid all these problems and achieve the comfort of which dreams of most people who use the standalone sewage. Currently, the Russian market are increasingly popular treatment plant, "TOPAS", which have several significant advantages: simplicity installation cost in terms of use, high quality treatment, stable operation at any temperature. Autonomous sewerage TOPAS is made from high quality material – polypropylene, which provides a number of advantages over other cleaning systems. Thanks to the foam layer has good thermal conductivity. Polypropylene is strong, but it's also very light, practically immune to corrosion. Non-toxic.

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