When you think about running the ball must take into account the effort that entails and the effective strategy to use, apart from the use of the media or other means of massive scope, the idea is to go in search of linkages of confidence that people have when they contact us. Someone anyone can be a voceador, but we think in our neighborhood, our classroom, or in our work, and we’ll realize that there is always one or two people who are excellent newsboys, i.e. working his sociability very well, people believe them and they like to say; Therefore, do not be better marketing campaign look to that person and not to my to generate the wave?, here is the importance of the Network Center. Network Center, is any person who have many contacts of output and input, if we imagine a few lines ranging from person person will see that Network Center exist many coming out of him and many converging on him. Now well, do find them, we could find them in forums, chats referrals to subjects related to the service or product that we could search specialists, if it is a new medicine to physicians, pharmacies, etc.; but there is another strategy that should also be used to obtain network centres, and this is let centres network that come to you, this calling and inviting conferences, forums, congresses, fairs etc, where these network centers go to go and which, in your terrain you’ll evaluate everyone, which take as voceador. Another needed aspect that should be taken into account to use the word of mouth marketing is that product be comment generator, i.e.
have people speak of him. We remember those cameras that after taking photos these came in the form of stikers and children hit them in their notebooks, etc; and everyone wanted an equal. A friend bought his son a beautiful cell phone and when I was giving him, the child asked: does bluetoo?, did not respond Ah! then, there no more, and thanks I don’t want. Another important point is that the product is compatible, because everyone likes to have something to improve or help what we have or do now, remember that word of mouth is a strategy for the present not for tomorrow. Recall that an invention as wonderful as the PALM no longer sold in stores, and everything because it was not compatible with the operating system that we have always used. Finally, we must take care of network centers, they can operate against our and in favour of competition. A bad opinion runs several times faster than a good opinion.