As already in the previous year, the students help is chosen by the magazine impulses in the current issue as a Franchiser under the top 100 franchise systems. Gelsenkirchen, September 2011. As already in the previous year, the students help is chosen by the magazine impulses in the current issue as a Franchiser under the top 100 franchise systems. In the services sector the students help takes the third place: at the top, there is a great stability with the fitness chain Mrs. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Sam Mikulak and gain more knowledge.. Sporty, the re/Max real estate agent and the CGS student aid. The three systems lead as the top ten of the Franchisedienstleister in the previous year. u0085″.
The tutoring provider ends up on a good 11th place in the overall ranking. “” There were particularly good reviews the factors of sustainability “and earning potential”. Refer to the current pulses issue 09/11. This is and remains the students help of one of the most attractive franchise systems in Germany with very good prospects for the franchisees. Currently, the student aid provides nationwide over 100 interesting new franchise locations map. Franchise prospects have opportunity to get acquainted with the franchise company at an information event at the Gelsenkirchen system headquarters on the 07.10.2011 again. The event lasts from 10:00 12:30, following individual discussions are possible.
Registrations are at Marion Lauterbach, by phone at 0209 / 3606-201 or by email at. For individual appointments, Ms. Lauterbach is available. There is more information establishing the existence under With approximately 1,100 locations, student aid is the largest franchisor in the field of education and Germany’s third largest franchise system. For 35 years, it offers individual tutoring in small groups of three to five students. The students help offers support in all major subjects for all classes and types of schools. Qualified and motivated tutor individual care of each student and to help him, permanently to enhance its performance. This is also a scientific study of the University of Bayreuth. As important private training providers, the student aid provides a wide range which includes also exam preparation and holiday courses in addition to tuition. A quality management system, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, is used to achieve a high level of quality and customer orientation. With success, because 94 percent of customers are satisfied and would recommend the student help. Periodically, the system headquarters in Gelsenkirchen conducts briefings for potential franchisees.