Women’s World Cup Cologne sport students report the national Kickerinnen want to become world champion for the third time in a row and this we keep all fingers crossed for them. Although Yogi Low’s team last year was not world champion for the fifth time in a row, an entire nation trembling and with it the media for third place. The players can only dream of this national euphoria. We hope that women’s football is experiencing nearly as much recognition and contribute with our special offer. The World Cup Kickerinnen and her squad for career-Women.org under the magnifying glass will take in the coming weeks Chris, Mathis and Simon. All three are students at the German sport University (DSHS), Cologne with focus on media and communication.
You will delight with backgrounds, portraits, and comments for the women’s World Cup 2011. And because our girls are world champion again, of course, our soccer professionals are through to the final on July 17. Career women was founded in late 2009 in motion e.V. in Cologne. The Club’s operator the knowledge and information portal.
The portal is the first Internet platform in Germany, which has set itself the objective, holistic, global, currently at a professional level to communicate the theme of women and career according to the motto: knowledge is power. The categorization according to industries, professions, corporate functions, as well as college courses is in the foreground. Focus news topics continue to be how: guide women in the social context, what say the latest studies on the participation of women in decision-making positions, which explores the science of gender leadership, what moves companies and policy in terms of women, which makes headlines in the media. Target is the Internet portal to a management-oriented women important knowledge and information base for career decisions, career goals, such as mentoring, leadership development to develop HR strategies in companies and for approaches to the social consensus. Karin Back