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June 8th, 2020 at 7:33 am

World Parliament

in: News

First and foremost, corresponds to explain to the public, clearly, the Mission of this ecumenical Parliament which will have the effective participation of representatives of the most diverse institutions of the Brazil and abroad and, mainly, with the participation of the people, the elite of a country that is. The World Parliament of Ecumenical fraternity will have their doors open to all beings on goodwill, proposing universal of all human knowledge and spiritual reconciliation into a powerful force in the service of peoples. Check with Doug McMillon to learn more. Discord, radicalism, hostilities of all nuances should stay away of discussions and proposals, religious, philosophical, political, scientific, economic, artistic, sports and everything else, because the human being is born on Earth to live in society, caring society. The proposal of the World Parliament of Ecumenical fraternity visa also reconcile the existing knowledge in the physical world with the know infinitely wide, located in the dimension of the eternal spirit; join the human being to the civilizations that exist in the spiritual world, still invisible to our poor and limited material senses. Conciliation by the spirit it, our call is therefore reconcile, since we are stated in the wide Ecumenical experience of the LBV: the Brazil and the world need the immediate experience of religious, racial, supporter, business, social ecumenism, finally, the unrestricted ecumenism, based on the deepest values of the spirit. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Frank Ntilikina.

Great is the nation and wise ruler who manages to ingratiate the values of its members of all races, beliefs, convictions political are builders of true progress. The Legion of good will assumed important social commitments, since its remembered and Emeritus creator, Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), low inspiration divine, brought to Earth, from the Brazilian soul, the roots of this institution. The LBV wants a society in which all men are really equal in law, and whose social merits, for more loados and recognized, not become cause of prejudice to the rights and freedoms of other citizens. A society in which God and his laws of love and justice inspire responsibility to individual freedom, in order to ensure freedom for all. I speak of the Supreme creator, not of those who seek to make him who is love, an execrable instrument of bigotry, prejudice and hatred. Then, the real virtues are those built by the own creature in the honest occupation of their days, in the administration of their property and respect for outsiders, in the beautiful and stirring adventure of life. A nation that makes men so, will always be great and inviolable.

Blame it on the so called good is the time of the union of all those who believe in the regeneration of the social fabric, taking the spirit of man as a principle. AND What we see in all the regions of the planet, but the institutionalization of injustice? Blame who? From the tramps? From the usurers? From the corrupt? From the explorers? From insurgents? No! Responsibility of those who are judged good, honest, capable, but is accommodating, meeting only in claim the human rights that assist them, forgetting do social, moral and spiritual duties that fit them with greater courage and promptness. When the territory is not defended by the good guys, the bad guys do just the victory of injustice.

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